Why I Love What I Do

Doing what I love

Yesterday was a really long day. I arrived at the Austin Convention Center at 6:30AM and was there until a little after 5PM. I was on my feet all day working a booth for my company, SOS Leadership. It was a day spent interacting with people and telling them about what we do at SOS.

Afterwords I drove across town in Austin rush-hour traffic because I was speaking at another event. After spending all day working a trade show booth you would think going home and just relaxing would be the next thing on my life. But when you are your own boss, sometimes you get to close the day with even more work. I got to do what I love to do, what I have been doing since I was a little kid– speak.

I often talk about three keys to success: Know what your doing, love what you are doing and believe in what you are doing. Yesterday was a reminder for me that I truly love what I do.

When you love what you do:

  • You are okay putting in those extra hours. In fact, you look for opportunities to do more.
  • You are energized by doing what you are doing and the passion helps you get through times when you’re physically exhausted.
  • You talk about what you do all the time. Not because you’re trying to sell it or even to promote yourself, but because you love talking about it. It’s like when you are in love with someone. All you want to do is talk about them.
  • People enjoy being around you because passion and love for something is contagious. Not enough people are passionate. Not enough people truly love what they do.
  • You realize just how much you are capable of. You always find ways to be better and do more.
  • You strive to learn more about what you do. Lifelong learning is much easier when you are constantly learning about a subject you love.
  • You don’t have trouble getting up in the morning because you know you get to do what you love. It is all the coffee you will ever need!

There are so many benefits to loving what you do. It really is a key to success in life. I understand that not everyone has the luxury of working jobs they love. This is the reason I started this blog, to be an encouragement to others who are trying to figure out how to be the boss of their life and career.

Why do you do what you do? (man… that’s a lot of do’s)

Are you in it to DO SOMETHING? Or Just for something to do? Leave a comment below.

Life is too short to do something you don’t love. It’s too short to do something just for something to do or just for the sake of a paycheck. Find something you love and do it.

Set a goal to begin working towards loving what you do. Because it’s true what they say, when you love what you do you will never WORK a day in your life. Yesterday proved that for me.

Why do you love what you do? Share some examples like mine from yesterday in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.